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New posts in gnome-shell-extensions

Gnome shell extension, copy text to clipboard

Extension event loop in Gnome 3.10 vs 3.14

How can my GNOME Shell extension detect the GNOME version?


Gnome Extensions - Run shell command

Gnome shell extensions: how to run a command with pipes

Call Gnome Shell Shortcuts programmatically

GNOME Shell Extension Install possible without Restart?

Lang.Class in Javascript

How to properly start a Gnome-Shell extension via command line?

Gnome Shell extensions not loading, no error message available

How to colorize the output of Python errors in the Gnome terminal?

Can GNOME Shell extensions move the pointer? If so, how?

How do I call out to a command-line program from a gnome shell extension?

How to set a PNG file in a Gnome Shell extension for St.Icon

GJS: Gtk.TextView key-press-event does not work

Gnome shell privilege escalation

GNOME Shell integration extension is running, native host connector is not detected?

Gnome Shell Extension Key Binding