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New posts in gnome-3

Gnome shell extension, copy text to clipboard

How to stop Centos 7 Desktop returning to Login Screen after a successful login?

Add a custom option in Nautilus right click menu [closed]

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How to set windows title in python qt?

How to change shortcut for switching between work-space in fedora 20?

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Gtk HeaderBar ActionBar pack_start pack_end within UI xml file

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slow keyboard layout switching in gnome 3.6

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Gnome 3 - dconf / gsettings - how to assign multiple keybindings?

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Debian Sid cannot connect to bluetooth keyboard

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Gnome shell extensions: how to run a command with pipes

GNOME/Vala application to run on Windows

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Sending notifications with GObjects

Can I Change the Gnome 3.10 Workspace Grid?

Call Gnome Shell Shortcuts programmatically

JavaFX Freeze on Desktop.open(file), Desktop.browse(uri)