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New posts in gitignore

How do I .gitignore and delete an already committed file without affecting other working copies?

git file gitignore delete-file

Pushing .gitignore files to specific remote

heroku github gitignore

Setting up GIT for Symfony2 project: why add web/bundles folder to gitignore

git symfony gitignore

A way to validate .gitignore file

git gitignore

Git ignore all files of a certain type except in all subdirectories of a certain directory?

git gitignore

Are leading asterisks "**/" redundant in .gitignore path matching syntax?

git gitignore glob

git creates files ending in ~?

GitIgnore - Ignoring bin/ but including bin/*.refresh

git gitignore

Un-ignore all files in global .gitignore

git github gitignore ignore

Ideal Android Studio gitignore file

git and ASP MVC

asp.net-mvc git gitignore

Why is git ignoring my changed file?

git gitignore

What should be in my gitignore for Xcode 7 [duplicate]

ios xcode git swift gitignore

Should we ignore misc.xml and <projectFolderName>.iml in Pycharm .idea/ folder?

pycharm gitignore

gitignore: Understanding "hello/" vs. "hello/*"

git gitignore

.gitignore does not understand my folder wildcard on windows

windows git msysgit gitignore

GitHub Desktop is committing ignored files [duplicate]

Subfolders in .gitignore

git gitignore

Why doesn't gitignore work in this case?

git gitignore

Git: How do I ignore matching directories in a sub directory?

git gitignore