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New posts in git-extensions

Git Extensions doesn't show up in VS 2010 after installing

unable to clone git repository on laptop, however, cloned successfully on dev machine

git git-extensions

Using git extension how do I merge my feature branch into the master branch without changing my feature branch?

Git extension does not work in Visual Studio 2017; Is it a known issue?

Git: Failed to erase credential: Element not found tried all other solutions

Periodical background 'git status' in Git Extensions interferes with interactive work

git git-extensions

How to clear branches dropdown in GitExtensions


How to include ssh private rsa key when accessing git repo via ssh (gitosis)?

Does Git Extensions keep a log of commands and their results?


Ignore White Spaces in GitExtensions Pending Changes


Can changes in the same file be split to different commits in git?

Visual studio 2010 git extention manage remotes unable to connect

Let git bash launch at current repositories

Git: alternative for stash

Cleaning up repositories in GitExtensions


How to create a md file under windows

Permission denied errors on random files during branch checkout

git git-extensions