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New posts in getattr

Python 2 __getattr__ max recursion depth

python getattr

C++ equivalent of Python getattr

Asymmetric behavior for __getattr__, newstyle vs oldstyle classes

What is the difference between type.__getattribute__ and object.__getattribute__?

Accessing list items with getattr/setattr in Python

python getattr setattr

python getattr() with multiple params

python python-3.x getattr

Python Chain getattr as a string

python getattr

Why can't I use __getattr__ with Django models?

Can the usage of `setattr` (and `getattr`) be considered as bad practice?

python getattr setattr

Determine if __getattr__ is method or attribute call

python getattr

How to get foreign key values with getattr from models

Why doesn't Python have a hybrid getattr + __getitem__ built in?

Using __getattribute__ or __getattr__ to call methods in Python

python getattr getattribute

Is it bad practice to use python's getattr extensively?

Why is getattr() so much slower than self.__dict__.get()?

python python-2.7 getattr

How to intercept instance method calls?

python: cooperative supercall of __getattr__

__getattr__ equivalent for methods

python object methods getattr

assign a attribute using getattr

python getattr

Overriding __getattr__ to support dynamic nested attributes

python getattr