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How do I create a circle with latitude, longitude and radius with GeoTools?

java geotools

Java geotools check if point is contained in polygon with tolerance

java geotools contain

How to handle Circle in WKT?

android parsing geotools wkt

Java.lang.reflect.Proxy returning another proxy from invocation results in ClassCastException on assignment

Google maps spatial reference system

Why this code how read a shapefile using geotools throws this exception?

java geotools

How do I configure Xcode to use Maven

xcode maven geotools

Using GeoTools: What is the Latitude and Longitude in com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate class?

java coordinate geotools

Reading an ESRI shapefile from a zip-file during Runtime in Java - DataStoreFinder.getDataStore(connectParameters) returns null

java null unzip geotools

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class javax.media.jai.JAI

java jai geotools

geotools SEVERE: The following locker still has a lock read on file

java geotools

How to calculate the distance in meters between a geographic point and a given polygon?

java gis geospatial geotools

Geotools cannot find HSQL EPSG DB, throws error: NoSuchAuthorityCodeException

how to convert between degrees, minutes, seconds to Decimal coordinates

Why can't I resolve the dependencies for GeoTools maven quickstart?

maven geotools

Java, convert lat/lon to UTM [closed]

Does anyone know of a library in Java that can parse ESRI Shapefiles?

java shapefile geotools