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Google maps spatial reference system

What is Google map's spatial reference system using when you enter a lat, long into the maps search bar?

I've found hints that it might be WGS84 but after converting to that coordinate system, nothing shows up when i paste the coordinates into the google maps search box.

I am converting from GDA MGA 56.


  • Input MGA56 coords: 336301, 6253363
  • Expected WGS86 coords: -33.8473340793201, 151.230631835944
  • I get: 16834916.928327594 -4008321.1020318186

Spatial coord systems:

  • EPSG:28356 for MGA56
  • EPSG:900913 for WGS86 (google maps)

I am using geotools to do the transform:

    CoordinateReferenceSystem crsMga56 = CRS.parseWKT(mga56);
    CoordinateReferenceSystem crsGmaps = CRS.parseWKT(gmaps);

    Coordinate coordinate = new Coordinate(336301, 6253363);
    Point point = new GeometryFactory().createPoint(coordinate);

    MathTransform transform = CRS.findMathTransform(crsMga56, crsGmaps);
    Geometry geometry = JTS.transform(point, transform);

I know the transform is not correct, as when i use an online tool it gives me the correct coords. http://www.environment.gov.au/cgi-bin/transform/mga2geo_gda.pl?east=336301&north=6253363&zone=56

like image 597
JavaRocky Avatar asked Nov 04 '09 21:11


People also ask

What spatial reference does Google Maps use?

(Google uses the World Geodetic System WGS84 standard.) World coordinates, which reference a point on the map uniquely.

What reference system does Google Earth use?

Google Maps and Microsoft Virtual Earth use a Mercator projection based on the World Geodetic System (WGS) 1984 geographic coordinate system (datum).

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For FM and LPFM radio stations, the FCC uses an older coordinate system called NAD27 whereas most coordinates including Google Maps coordinates, use the newer NAD83 system.

Can you put grid references into Google Maps?

To use Google Maps position the map and, using the zoom tool on the left-hand side of the screen, zoom in to the maximum level to find the place for which you want a Grid Reference. Then either: Click "Grid Reference Tools" and choose "Get Grid Reference from Map".

1 Answers

Google uses a spherical mercator projection based on WGS84. There's a writeup on the OpenLayers website.

like image 67
Sarge Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09
