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New posts in geospatial

R-Tree and Quadtree Comparison

Is the Haversine Formula or the Vincenty's Formula better for calculating distance?

Unable to load SqlServerSpatial.dll

Detecting whether a GPS coordinate falls within a polygon on a map

Solr - How do I construct a query that requires a NOT NULL Location field

Open alternatives to Google-maps?

Units to use for maxdistance and MongoDB?

mongodb geospatial

Storing Lat Lng values in MySQL using Spatial Point Type

mysql geospatial

How does a geospatial index work? [closed]

indexing geospatial

Calculating bounding box a certain distance away from a lat/long coordinate in Java

How to calculate the area of a polygon on the earth's surface using python?

Construct DbGeography point from Latitude and Longitude doubles?

Is there an API for openstreetmap? [closed]

MongoDB 'unable to find index for $geoNear query'

How to Convert data frame to spatial coordinates

r gis geospatial

Developing Geographic Thematic Maps with R

r map geolocation geospatial

Formulas to Calculate Geo Proximity

php mysql math geospatial geo

Function to calculate geospatial distance between two points (lat,long) using R [duplicate]

Java double vs BigDecimal for latitude/longitude

Criteria SpatialRestrictions.IsWithinDistance NHibernate.Spatial