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New posts in genealogy

What structure and algorithm use for building genealogy tree?

Cocoa interface to GEDCOM file [closed]

Coefficient of inbreeding / wrights algorithm / genetics

Anyone used SQl Server 2008 HierarchialID type to store genealogy data

Detect cycles in a genealogy graph during a Depth-first search

GEDCOM parser in JavaScript

Gedcom Reader for C#

c# genealogy gedcom


html rdf genealogy gedcom

Handling historical calendar dates

date time calendar rdf genealogy

Genealogy Relationship Mapping why base on families

How can I prevent overlapping in a family tree generator?

Genealogy Tree Control [closed]

c# controls tree genealogy

Is there a GEDCOM parser written in Python? [closed]

Calculate Family Relationship from Genealogical Data

How do I show marriages in a d3.js based 'family-tree'?

Family tree layout with Dot/GraphViz

Rendering a dynamically created family graph with no overlapping using a depth first search?

How do you create a family tree in d3.js?