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New posts in family-tree

Query the relation between two people in a Prolog Family Tree

prolog family-tree

javascript library for building tree-node hierarchy

javascript tree family-tree

Logic for family tree program

java family-tree

How can I construct a family tree with Perl?

MySQL Store Relationship (Family) Tree

Cladogram, tree of life, cladistics, taxonomy in JS or canvas?

CSS3 family tree, how to add wife

html css family-tree

"Family Tree" Data Structure

Android - how to create a family-tree diagram (visual)

Efficient database query for ancestors on an acyclic directed graph

How do I draw the lines of a family tree using HTML CSS?

Looking for a Family Tree [closed]

How can I prevent overlapping in a family tree generator?

Calculate Family Relationship from Genealogical Data

Javascript/PHP Family Tree Builder with Multiple Parents [closed]

Family Tree Algorithm

Family tree layout with Dot/GraphViz