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Gem dependencies in Rails Engines

how to solve" DL is deprecated, please use Fiddle" Rails 4.1.8?

IRB.start not starting

ruby gem irb

Ruby daemons vs daemon-kit gems: what are the pros and cons?

ruby daemon gem

How to use a gem in Rails 3 without referencing it in the Gemfile

gem server: How to update gems with missing rdoc?

EventMachine gem workaround causes missing dll file ruby error, Windows 7

How can I copy gems to another server?

ruby rubygems gem

Switching between different version of rails in same gem set

How to edit a gem at Heroku

Making ruby gems respond to terminal commands

ruby rubygems terminal gem rvm

I am getting this gem install error for kgio gem when i do a bundle install

Is there a Ruby gem or library that provides a way to parse ordinal numbers?

ruby gem

bundler/capistrano is not installing gems with correct ruby version

Creating a gem for shared stylesheets and using it in a Rails application

What's the simplest way to use mustache view templates in rails?

ruby-on-rails gem mustache

Delineating ruby gem public APIs for semantic versioning

Jekyll - Error Running 'Jekyll Serve'

ruby gem jekyll

Unable to install 'cocoapods' gem from rubygems.org (bad response backend read error)

ruby xcode gem cocoapods

"Don't run bundler as root" - what is the exact difference made by using root?

ruby gem bundler