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Is StretchBlt HALFTONE == BILINEAR for all scaling?

Is it possible to BitBlt directly from a GDI+ bitmap?

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Finding GDI/User resource usage from a crash dump

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StretchDIBits seems slow, Is there any API faster?

how to fill gradient for roundrect in pure gdi (not gdi+)

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Strange error with CreateCompatibleDC

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How does computer draw a line??

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Draw a marker like google maps with TCanvas on Delphi

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The result of CreateCompatibleDC only has two colors

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Drawing text to a Bitmap with TextRenderer

win32 - How to draw a rectangle around a text string?

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How can drawString method be used for writing diagonal way

GDI handles in a DotNET application

Copying a bitmap from another HBITMAP

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Find out number of icons in an icon resource using Win32 API

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Drawing on a 16 bit greyscale bitmap in memory

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Can I generate an anti-aliased font size larger than 149?

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LinearGradientBrush does not render correctly

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MonoMac System.Drawing.Image.GetPropertyItem(0x5100)

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Unable to Calculate Position within Owner-Draw Text

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