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How to use golang bleve search results?

go full-text-search bleve

Sql-server Full Text CONTAINS + COLLATE to ignore accents issues

FREETEXT search - ordering results according to how close they match

Mysql full text search cannot find a word - why?

Using Erlang to read a whole text file into a variable, do text replacement and write modified file to new directory

NHibernate LinqToHqlGenerator for SQL Server 2008 full text index 'Containing' keyword

CouchDB Full Text Search

Can a View of multiple tables be used for Full-Text-Search?

Edge NGram search in PostgreSQL

Best efficient way to make a fulltext search in MySQL

mysql full-text-search

Custom SearchableText and HTML fields in Plone

Using Lucene/Solr with Spring Data

How to make inverted index search faster?


How to query an external content FTS4 table but return additional columns from the original content table

Best way to build a search function

Search in Ruby On Rails

Sphinx delta indexing -- still necessary to rebuild the main index?

Amazon Cloudsearch not searching with partial string

Best way to save users search queries in ElasticSearch?