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How does one align code (braces, parens etc) in vi?

format vi alignment

Jackson @JsonFormat set date with one day less

python Decimal - checking if integer

python format decimal

git add Signed-off-by line using format.signoff not working

git format config

How to convert Milliseconds to date format in C#?

PHP "pretty print" HTML (not Tidy)

php html format tidy

Easy way to convert exec sp_executesql to a normal query?

Java Double to String conversion without formatting

java string format double

Format string to title case

percentage symbol in strings.xml

android xml string format

Need to format dates in dynamically built WPF DataGrid

wpf datetime datagrid format

How to get the raw 'created_at' value in the database (not an object cast to an ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone)

Java: unparseable date exception

java date format

Align cout format as table's columns

c++ string format

Print a leading '+' for positive numbers in printf

Disable python import sorting in VSCode

How to do Alignment within string.Format in C#?

c# string format alignment

Cell Style Alignment on a range

c# excel format alignment

Changing date format in R

r date format strptime r-faq

Format the text in JavaScript alert box

javascript html format alert