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New posts in fish

How do you change fish pwd length in prompt using fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length?

shell fish

Make fish functions private


Fish: Iterate over a string

shell fish

Fish command substitution doesn't work like in bash or zsh


Glob matching (wildcards) in fish shell not matching bash behavior

bash glob fish

fish shell prompt not showing symbols correctly


How to compare integers on fish shell?


How to test for argv count and value of argv[1] in fish shell?


add a number in fish script

shell fish

fish shell -eq and -a in if statement

Fish keeps trying to use fish_vi_key_bindings although it is not in config.fish anymore

shell fish

How can I search through fish completions?

autocomplete fish

How can I set environment variables in fish?


How to read from stdin with fish shell

stdin fish

Change the default find-grep command in emacs

linux emacs fish

In fish shell, how to iterate over files using wildcard and variable?


Passing all parameters to a function in fish shell

bash function shell fish

Cannot understand command substitution in Fish shell

bash shell command-line fish

fish shell: how to append an element to an array


Multi-line variables remove new line character - Fish

shell fish