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New posts in firebase-mlkit

ML Kit Barcode scanning: Invalid image data size

Text recognition from a live video stream using ML kit (with CMSampleBuffer)

Google Firebase MLKit for Xamarin

xamarin firebase-mlkit

Unable to detect a barcode from an image using Firebase's MLKit

Google ML kit Barcode Scanner example app for android not able to detect barcodes

flutter real time face detection

How to know Tensorflow Lite model's input/output feature info?

Use TensorFlow python code with android app

ML Kit Vision on-device text recognition not downloading model: Waiting for the text recognition model to be downloaded. Please wait

Translate Firebase MLKit Bounding box coordinates to screen view coordinates

MLKit Firebase android - How to convert FirebaseVisionFace to Image Object (like Bitmap)?

Android Studio ML kit cannot load OCR module

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64 flutter

Firebase ML kit give FirebaseMLException: Waiting for the text recognition model to be downloaded. Please wait

Google ML Kit: Waiting for the text recognition model to be downloaded

android ocr firebase-mlkit

Duplicate class com.google.android.gms.internal.vision.zze found in modules