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New posts in google-vision

Why do I get invalid JSON payload when calling google cloud vision API from appcelerator?

Google Vision API text detection strange behaviour - Javascript

How to use Google Cloud Vision API client for nodejs to detect multiple types

New vision API - Picture size

The shape of dict['ToFloat'] provided in model.execute(dict) must be []

Combining nearby bounding boxes along one axis

OCR confidence score from Google Vision API

Google Vision API - To draw graphic layout on Camera Preview bounding the QR code

android google-vision

How to get complete product information from Bar code display value in android?

How Capture Picture while mobile vision api - face tracking

android google-vision

Google Cloud Vision API 'Request Admission Denied'

camerasource.takePicture() save rotated images in some device

android google-vision

Gradle error when using Google's latest API

Add 2D or 3D Face Filters like MSQRD/SnapChat Using Google Vision API for iOS

Computer Vision and AR libraries availabe for Android?