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Google Firebase MLKit for Xamarin

Is there Google Firebase MLKit Vision API support for Xamarin? I was trying to implement barcode reader using MLKit.

While searching I got an impression that Google is going to stop supporting for Mobile Vision API.

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Nitha Paul Avatar asked Oct 28 '18 10:10

Nitha Paul

2 Answers

UDP since 2019: Packages for Xamarin native

Xamarin.Android -> Xamarin.Firebase.ML.Vision and

Xamarin.IOS -> Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.MLKit.

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Anastasia Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10


As of today bindings are not available for Xamarin. They are still working on it, you can expect a release by next month. You can track their progress here and here

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shanranm Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10
