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Angular 2 download .CSV file click event with authentication

HTML5 and Amazon S3 Multi-Part uploads

HTML5 File API crashes Chrome when using readAsDataURL to load a selected image

How FileReader.readAsText in HTML5 File API works?

How to download a file without using <a> element with download attribute or a server?

HTML5 FIle API: Security Error while reading a file

What is the max number of files to select in an HTML5 [multiple] file input?

jquery.support to detect JavaScript's File API?

Decode JPEG2000 bitarray image with Javascript

IOS6 and Safari Photo Uploading - File API + Canvas + jQuery Ajax Uploading and Resizing Files Asynchronously

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window.URL.revokeObjectURL() doesn't release memory immediately (or not at all)?

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Youtube Blob urls don't work in browsers but in src

overwrite a file with HTML5 FileWriter

How do I generate a thumbnail client-side in a modern browser?

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What is the purpose of webkitRelativePath property in File object?

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Instantiate File object in Microsoft Edge

Read file stream using JavaScript in web browser

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HTML5 File API: FileReader.readAsText() returns "undefined"

Writing file to desktop using HTML5 FileSystem API

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