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File API: What browsers support the slice method?

javascript html fileapi

How to write UTF-8 or Base64 data into a file (jpg/doc/pdf) on local storage(sdcard) in Phonegap

javascript cordova fileapi

Disable dragging of a file system image into a browser.

How to convert image source into a JavaScript File object

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Use FileAPI to download big generated data file

javascript fileapi

Is there a Javascript support library for html5 file API and upload?

download file client-side chunk by chunk

Firefox -- "FileReader is not defined" only when called from Web Worker

encode/decode image with base64 breaks image

javascript fileapi

Quota exceeded trying to create file with HTML File API

JS and type.match as file mime type - need advice

Resumable uploads using HTML5 File Upload API -

Can you write files in Chrome 8?

Javascript can you serialize a File object

javascript html fileapi

Fast low-collision non-crypto hash in JavaScript for Files

javascript html hash fileapi

"undefined" returned when accessing some listed properties of File object

Chrome memory issue - File API + AngularJS

file input size issue in safari for multiple file selection

window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL vs window.requestFileSystem

cordova fileapi