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New posts in feature-detection

how to detect if the screen is capacitive or resistive in an Android device?

Can't get clean output in my MATLAB implementation of Canny-Deriche

How can I use OpenCV to find an arbitrarily transformed rectangle in a depth image?

The Harris & Stephens corner detection algorithm: determinant always 0 (zero)

OpenCV python error when using ORB images feature matching

How to I compute matching features between high resolution images?

Facial expression recognition from webcam [closed]

Advice for algorithm choice

How to detect good features for rotationally aligning microscope images to a template

Measure of image similarity for feature matching?

What is the difference between phase correlation and template matching in OpenCV?

how to find local maxima in image

Does Convolutional Neural Network possess localization abilities on images?

How to black out everything outside a circle in Open CV

OpenCV line detection in general

matlab extract features in matfile

feature detect incorrect overflow with border-radius