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New posts in fault-tolerance

Building a fault-tolerant soft real-time web application with Erlang/OTP

How do supervisor processes monitor processes? Can the same be done on the JVM?

erlang fault-tolerance

What to do if the leader fails in Multi-Paxos for master-slave systems?

How to discover that a Scala remote actor is died?

Hystrix Request Caching by Example

Handling Faults in Akka actors

What's up with the [OptionalField] Attribute?

Hystrix Execution Patterns

Will database file of SQLite3 be damaged when suddenly power-off or OS crash?

fault tolerance in MPICH/OpenMPI

How is running out of memory handled in Erlang?

How is Erlang fault tolerant, or help in that regard?

erlang fault-tolerance

Best Practices of fault toleration and reliability for scheduled tasks or services

Fault tolerant software architecture

How do I automatically re-establish a duplex channel if it gets faulted?

Resources about crash-safe and fault-tolerance programming

quartz jobDetail requestRecovery

Do I absolutely need a minimum of 3 nodes/servers for a Cassandra cluster or will 2 suffice?

How can I simulate ext3 filesystem corruption?

Testing with probabilistic failure of components in Akka (Scala)