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New posts in factory-method

What is the naming convention for the Factory Method?

Why LocalDate, LocalTime and Stream objects use a factory method of() instead of a constructor?

Why is factory method a class pattern, while an abstract factory an object pattern?

extending parameterized factory method in java

how to register a java class if the static initializer isn't called till the class is referenced

Spring and passing parameters to factory-method in runtime

java spring factory-method

Implementing a generic factory method

What is a Ruby factory method?

How to preserve order of insertion in Map.of factory?

Autowiring of beans generated by EasyMock factory-method?

Is a switch statement applicable in a factory method? c#

Dart factory (constructor) vs. static method; e.g., why is int.parse() not a factory constructor?

What Are Some Examples of Design Pattern Implementations Using JavaScript?

Factory method for objects - best practice?

Is it OK for a factory method to return null?

Abstract Factory, Factory Method, Builder

Factory Pattern - CreateInstance static or not?

Design Patterns: Abstract Factory vs Factory Method

Design Patterns: Factory vs Factory method vs Abstract Factory

What are static factory methods?