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New posts in factory-bot

Scala or Java equivalent of Ruby factory_girl or Python factory_boy (convenient factory pattern for unit testing)

Using the same value for two attributes in FactoryGirl

Why would rails not reset the test database between runs

How do I define a FactoryGirl factory that returns a Hash with stringed keys?

Rails 3 Factory Girl + Many to Many Relationships

How to use FactoryBot in ActionMailer::Preview

ruby-on-rails factory-bot

Devise/Cucumber - Adding a step which confirm a user exists

Factory Girl vs. User.create -- what's the difference?

Testing a before_save callback with Rspec and Factory Girl

Dependent Attributes in Factory Girl

DRY FactoryGirl after create/build hooks

I'm using a sequence in Factory Girl to get unique values but I'm getting validation errors

ruby-on-rails factory-bot

rspec integration test with devise throws NoMethodError error

FactoryGirl Inheritance attribute already defined

Creating instances with unique attributes using Factory Girl

ruby factory-bot

Rspec & FactoryGirl acceptance validation

Factory Girl / Rails: Generator to create a factory for existing model?

FactoryGirl build_stubbed & RSpec - Generates ID but fails to find id when testing Show action

FactoryGirl: Assigning a value of false to a boolean

Getting factory_girl to work in Rails3