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What is the difference between count and total_count on an elasticsearch range facet?

Solr multiple facet dates

solr faceted-search

How to perform a faceted search?

How do I retrieve all applicable facet fields for a Solr search

solr faceted-search

Hierarchical faceted search example with Solr

ArangoDB Faceted Search Performance

nested fields in SOLR

solr faceted-search

Ways to do hierarchial faceting in Solr?

solr faceted-search

Hierarchical Taxonomy in Faceted Search using RavenDb/Lucene?

How to create a faceted search with SQL Server

Set Custom Order for Facets coming from Solr

solr solrnet faceted-search

How would I search for blank facets in a multi valued facet field and at the same time in Solr?

Faceting using SolrJ and Solr4

disable lowercase of facet fields in solr

Can someone explain to me what this GetCardinality method is doing?

ElasticSearch aggregation: exclude one filter per aggregation

Aggregate and filter from one index to another through a third

Dedicated faceted search engine for dealing with dynamic taxonomies - helps just with performance or also flexibilty?

Faceted query browser for SOLR

solr faceted-search