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extjs4: How to add custom listener & tooltip to a chart?

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Loading multiple series into a chart

ExtJs 4 GridPanel with CellEditing: data entered is lost on failed validation

How to reuse store in EXT JS 4 MVC application without multiple reloading?

Highlight a part of an extjs4 line chart

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Hiding a component within a Border-Layout region programatically

iconCls in a button text alignment - EXTJS

How to load controller dynamically on particular event call in extjs4?

File upload with extjs4

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javascript: !( booleanCondition() ) vs ( booleanCondition() == false )

Toggle cell editor after record programmatically added to grid in ExtJS

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Why can't I get a simple Combobox to work in EXTjs 4 using a JSONStore?

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ExtJS4 grid won't update remote database

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Why does ExtJS subtract a day when formatting a date?

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Extjs 4: Create an iFrame Window

javascript extjs extjs4