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How to move away from Inheritance

How do I properly extend the AS3 Point class?

actionscript-3 oop extend

How do you call parent object functions from child objects in javascript

Extending a singleton class

php oop singleton extend

A way to pass milions of items in python to C program many times in rapid succesion

Empty selector - jQuery Plugin Creation

Extending ArrayList and Creating new methods

java arraylist extend

What's the difference between a += number and a += number, (with a trailing comma) when a is a list?

python list tuples extend

powershell extend an object

Scala object extends nothing

scala extend

Extending a Scala collection

Listview and CustomAdapter extending SimpleCursorAdapter

jQuery plugin - update settings after initialization

Can I extend lisp with c++?

c++ lisp extend

python list comprehension and extend()

Scala: Extend concrete class with constructor parameters

Abstract Class Extending Concrete Classes

java abstract-class extend

When creating my own classes in PHP should I extend stdClass?

php extend stdclass

Recursive functions and lists appending/extending

Creating a Custom Subclass of ColorFilter?