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New posts in eventmachine

EventMachine and Ruby Threads - what's really going on here?

Eventmachine start_tcp_server no acceptor - port is in use or requires root privileges (RuntimeError)

Error installing gem failed to build gem native extensions -- cannot load such file -- mkmf

Safely stopping em-websocket in rails on thin

Ruby EventMachine testing

ruby rspec eventmachine

Multiple servers in a single EventMachine reactor

ruby eventmachine

Waiting for async calls with EventMachine and Ruby fibers

ruby eventmachine fibers

Communicating between two processes on heroku (what port to use)

Multiple Ruby EventMachines in one process: possible?

ruby eventmachine

socket.io and eventmachine in ruby

What causes EventMachine::ConnectionNotBound?

ruby eventmachine

How to catch top level failures on an EventMachine server?

Rails/Ruby Error When Creating Database: Unable to load the EventMachine C extension

Integrating WebSockets with Rails using Rack and Event Machine

How to hand-over a TCP listening socket with minimal downtime?

How should I handle this use case using EventMachine?

ruby eventmachine

Thin EventMachine Sinatra vs. Rails

using the postgresql gem async

Why is EventMachine's defer slower than a Ruby Thread?

ruby eventmachine

Rails app and goliath api and database/models sharing