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New posts in equals

To equals and hashcode or not on entity classes, that is the question

compareTo and equals in PriorityQueues

java equals compareto

Using for loop to get the Hamming distance between 2 strings

Do I need a equals and Hashcode method if my class implements comparable in Java?

Does == comparison use byte in ArrayList comparisons? [duplicate]

Why do the results of the Equals and ReferenceEquals methods differ even though variables are reference types?

c# object reference equals

How does equals() method work in Java [duplicate]

java overriding equals

Should I compare all fields in my class's "equals" method?

java equals

In Java: What happens if I change a key in an HashMap to be equal to another key? [duplicate]

java hashmap equals

Why doesn't ArrayDeque override equals() and hashCode()?

set does not contain an item that equals one of its members?

java set equals contains

Can .NET test arrays for equivalence and not just equal references?

.net arrays equals

jquery selector contains equals sign

jquery selector equals sign

Assert collection contains object of custom class, which does not override equals/hashcode

Do we have to override equals/hashcode for enums which are put in a hashmap

MySQL Is Strictly Equal to Operator?

mysql sql operators equals

Why is this reversed StringBuilder not equal to the original String, when it is a palindrome?

java equals stringbuilder

Is there any particular reason why Eclipse generated equals uses the values of 1231 and 1237 for booleans?

Java: After adding 2 identical objects to a Set, it contains the 2 elements

java set equals hashcode

HashSet.contains returns false when it shouldn't