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New posts in equality

Difference between hash() and id()

python hash equality

Set "in" operator: uses equality or identity?

Using an equality check between columns in a SELECT clause

sql sql-server select equality

When "" == s is false but "".equals( s ) is true

String equality with null handling

c# .net string null equality

Prolog =:= operator

Swift: Overriding == in subclass results invocation of == in superclass only

swift overriding equality

Using a class versus struct as a dictionary key

What is the difference between == and = in Prolog?

Equality with Double.NaN

c# equality nan

What's the difference between identical(x, y) and isTRUE(all.equal(x, y))?

Why the compiler emits box instructions to compare instances of a reference type?

Testing for reference equality in Python

python reference equality

Map using tuples or objects

Does Java guarantee that Object.getClass() == Object.getClass()?

java class jvm identity equality

Overriding the == operator in Ruby

ruby overriding equality

Comparing boxed value types

c# equality boxing unboxing

Custom equality in swift objects preserving compatibility with legacy Objective-C code

equality swift

Equality comparison between multiple variables

Is it possible to define equality for named types/structs?

types struct go equality