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New posts in equality

IEquatable in F#, = operator performance and structural equality

f# equality

Unexpected results with OCaml !=

ocaml equality

Why has Scala no type-safe equals method?

scala equals equality

Meaning of Objects.deepEquals method

java equals equality

floating point equality in Python and in general

How to compare two Collections for "equivalence" based on fields from different Java classes?

JavaScript: {}==false is a SyntaxError?

Why is == faster than eql?

What sort of equality does the Apache Commons ObjectUtils equals method test for?

If operator< works properly for floating-point types, why can't we use it for equality testing?

c++ floating-point equality

Recommended way to implement __eq__ and __hash__

python equality hashable

In Ruby, why does a equality with nil ("Date.new == nil") return nil?

ruby date equality

What does "<=>" in MySQL mean?

mysql null operators equality

Scala equality with type checking?

scala operators equality

Why don't methods have reference equality?

Comparing two dictionaries with numpy matrices as values

On Java 7's equals() and deepEquals()

equality java-7 deepequals

If duck-typing in Python, should you test isinstance?

python equality duck-typing

Two .NET objects that are equal don't say they are

c# equals equality

What is an elegant way to check if 3 variables are equal when any of them can be a wildcard?

c# puzzle equality