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Symfony2 & Twig : display all fields and keys

symfony entity twig

How do you set a custom default unique id string for the @PrimaryGeneratedColumn in a TypeORM Entity?

javascript entity typeorm

Symfony2: Edit file upload

How to create database table from entity in symfony 2.6

Error ClientBuilder() is not public in com.company.entities.Client.ClientBuilder; cannot be accessed from outside package

java jpa entity lombok

Spring get all @Entity classes

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ASP.NET MVC 3 EntityType has no key defined

LINQ convert DateTime to string

how to update core data entered values

Array of Objects in Core Data Entity?

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Entity Framework 4.1, can't find Load() method?

How do I get Entity Framework to only update the Properties modified in the SQL generated?

html entity names not being displayed as the relevant html symbol in jasper report

html entity jasper-reports

Best practice to export core data entities

SQL Server backward compatibility in Entity Framework?

entity-framework entity

How the Entity Framework Code-First mappings reflect the domain driven design?

Entity System - Storing components in a Manager vs. in Entity

entity components

Symfony2 custom repository class

Symfony2 and Doctrine - Undefined index

Creating linked entities in REST api in Symfony