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org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity: annotations.Users

XML Entity for "/"?

xml entity escaping sequence

symfony2 Catchable Fatal Error: Object of class could not be converted to string

php symfony entity

SQL JPA - Multiple columns as primary key

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nuget retrieving package metadata

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Java entity - why do I need an empty constructor?

java jpa entity

Entity Framework and Multi threading

Disable caching in JPA (eclipselink)

java jpa entity eclipselink

JPA, How to use the same class (entity) to map different tables?

java jpa entity

What's the difference between entity and class?

oop class entity elgg

How to clone a JPA entity

java jpa orm entity clone

How can I get my database to seed using Entity Framework CodeFirst?

DDD and MVC: Difference between 'Model' and 'Entity'

Difference between Entity and DTO

java entity dto

Differentiating between domain, model, and entity with respect to MVC

Should I write equals() and hashCode() methods in JPA entities?

java jpa entity equals hashcode

Symfony2 collection of Entities - how to add/remove association with existing entities?

How can I disable migration in Entity Framework 6.0

Entity Framework - Is there a way to automatically eager-load child entities without Include()?

EF 4.1 exception "The provider did not return a ProviderManifestToken string"

asp.net sql entity