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New posts in entity-framework-5

EF5 Enum mapping to external type issue


Entity Framework Exception: Ambiguous match found

can abstract class inherit another abstract class c#

POCO Class in EF not working as Expected

Why does EF5 produce these spikes in SaveChanges() times?

Using computed DateTime columns in Entity Framework

How do you seed data with Entity Framework Database First approach?

Error when adding new entity to EF : A referential integrity constraint violation occurred

c# entity-framework-5

Entity Framework 4.3.1 -> 5.0 Exception: "EntityType has no key defined. Define the key for this EntityType."

How can I delete an object with navigation property with entity framework 5 code first?

Receiving "The model backing the 'Context' context has changed... on Add-Migration after EF 5 upgrade

ASP .Net Entity Framework .tt Files Not Nesting Under .edmx

Entity Framework Skip method running very slow

Is it bad practice to filter by ID within the repository pattern

How to generate POCO proxies from an existing database

entity-framework-5 poco t4