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Error when adding new entity to EF : A referential integrity constraint violation occurred

I'm adding a new entity that is built through an external class and I get this error : A referential integrity constraint violation occurred: A primary key property that is a part of referential integrity constraint cannot be changed when the dependent object is Unchanged unless it is being set to the association's principal object. The principal object must be tracked and not marked for deletion. :

Edit : The ReconFact entity is not linked to any other entities

The code (edited) :

// the context class
AccountingModelContext db = new AccountingModelContext();
// query some data
List<Reconciliation> recon = db.Reconciliations
        .Where(r => r.ReconNum == 112293)  // scenario 18 
        .Include(r => r.ReconciliationDetails.Select(rd => rd.JrnlEntryDetail).Select(jd => jd.JrnlEntry).Select(j => j.ARInvoices.Select(i => i.ARInvoiceDetails)))
        .Include(r => r.ReconciliationDetails.Select(rd => rd.JrnlEntryDetail).Select(jd => jd.JrnlEntry).Select(j => j.ARCredMemoes.Select(c => c.ARCredMemoDetails)))
// class that will manager business logic and generate facts with above data
ReconFactGenerator generator = new ReconFactGenerator(recon);
// call to the method that will return a list of facts
List<ReconFact> scenario18 = generator.GenerateFacts();
scenario18.ForEach(f => db.ReconFacts.Add(f));
// never reached

It's very basic I build a list of ReconFactentities with ReconFactGeneratorclass. No ID's are specified as they are new entities.

edited It works perfectly if I create a new entity in the same method like here Before I query data from the context :

ReconFact testfact = new ReconFact { ItemCode = "test", ReconNum = 1234, ReconDate = DateTime.Parse("2099-01-01"), ShortName = "L_SZTREDFD", InvoiceAmount = 0, CredMemoAmount = 0, IncomingPayAmount = 0, OutgoingPayAmount = 0, JrnlEntryAmount = 0, OtherAmount = 0 };
db.ReconFacts.Add(testfact); // no problems no error raised
db.SaveChanges(); // I can see the new record in my database 
                  // the ID was generated successfully 
                  // as I've specified identity(1,1) in the database

Added Edit 2 After I query data from the context like this :

 List<Reconciliation> recon = db.Reconciliations
        .Where(r => r.ReconNum == 112293)  // scenario 18 
        .Include(r => r.ReconciliationDetails.Select(rd => rd.JrnlEntryDetail).Select(jd => jd.JrnlEntry).Select(j => j.ARInvoices.Select(i => i.ARInvoiceDetails)))
        .Include(r => r.ReconciliationDetails.Select(rd => rd.JrnlEntryDetail).Select(jd => jd.JrnlEntry).Select(j => j.ARCredMemoes.Select(c => c.ARCredMemoDetails)))

The context is not able to save anymore returning the above error.

edited Why is an error raised when I want to save after I query the context and raises no error before ?

like image 363
Arno 2501 Avatar asked Nov 29 '13 08:11

Arno 2501

1 Answers

Found out how to get around though it doesn't explain why the error occurs :

// the context class
AccountingModelContext db = new AccountingModelContext();
// query some data
List<Reconciliation> recon = db.Reconciliations
        .Where(r => r.ReconNum == 112293)  // scenario 18 
        .Include(r => r.ReconciliationDetails.Select(rd => rd.JrnlEntryDetail).Select(jd => jd.JrnlEntry).Select(j => j.ARInvoices.Select(i => i.ARInvoiceDetails)))
        .Include(r => r.ReconciliationDetails.Select(rd => rd.JrnlEntryDetail).Select(jd => jd.JrnlEntry).Select(j => j.ARCredMemoes.Select(c => c.ARCredMemoDetails)))
// class that will manager business logic and generate facts with above data
ReconFactGenerator generator = new ReconFactGenerator(recon);
// call to the method that will return a list of facts
List<ReconFact> scenario18 = generator.GenerateFacts();

// scenario18.ForEach(f => db.ReconFacts.Add(f));

using (db = new AccountingModelContext())
  scenario18.ForEach(f => db.ReconFacts.Add(f));
like image 139
Arno 2501 Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09

Arno 2501