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New posts in entity-framework-4

Implementing repository for EF4 using DDD and IoC

ExecuteStoreQuery with TVP parameters

Entity Framework 4.1: Override IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate

Adding detached entities to a 1-many relationship in EF 4.1 Code First

Specifying location of .csdl / .ssdl / .msl Metadata files within the output assembly

Entity Framework Code First versus Guid

entity framework check if property is navigation property

Entity Framework 4 Function Import not working

EF 4.1: Why does turning a constant into a variable result in extra sub query?

How to obtain the identity of an entity after calling SaveChanges() when the entity is mapped to stored procedures

Entity framework and migrations - how to update my database on remote server?

There is no property with name 'restriction_class_id' defined in type referred by Role 'phones_extensions'

How to get to the primary key of a self tracking entity?

Linq to entity - Call user defined method from query

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Entity Framework Parameterized/Overloaded Constructors?

Is there any way to create a LINQ query as a variable without having the data source (yet)?

Entity Framework Many to Many Database Migration

Is it possible to call named method within a call to Where?

Mapping composite foreign keys in a many-many relationship in Entity Framework

Avoiding repeated projection code in Entity Framework