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Prevent transaction rollback in JBoss + Hibernate

How To Configure Query Cacheing in EclipseLink

Detach an entity from a JPA persistence context (JPA 2.0 / Hibernate / EJB 3 / J2EE 6)

hibernate jpa ejb-3.0

How to bind an entity to a specific persistence-unit

EntityManager.flush() commits the transaction in a Java web service

java oracle jpa jax-ws ejb-3.0

Java EE/Glassfish Application Logic

How to deploy EJB on server?

How to inject persistence context to different data source programmatically

Dynamic parameters for @Schedule method in an EJB 3.x

java timer ejb-3.0 schedule

Is it possible to use @EJB annotation to inject EJBs through different servers?

java ejb-3.0

Caching remote EJB 3.0 reference

java caching ejb-3.0

CommonJ TimerManager versus EJB3 TimerService

Can ejb interceptors change the return value of a method before the calling class gets it?

Why stateless beans are treated as pseudo-scoped and cannot have circular dependencies?

Why does query caching with Hibernate make the query ten times slower?

java hibernate caching ejb-3.0

Retrieve Number of JMS Message retry

Can EJB2 and EJB3 coexists in one application?

jakarta-ee ejb-3.0 ejb-2.x

EJBException when calling entityManager.getTransaction()

Ejb3 dependency in Maven

java maven-2 ejb-3.0

Performance costs of having a transaction over multiple EJBs vs. one EJB

java ejb-3.0 jboss7.x