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New posts in ef-code-first

Entity Framework Migration cascade delete is always true even WillCascadeOnDelete(false) in configuration

EntityFramework CodeFirst Database doesn't update

How can I validate a currency field?

ObjectContext has been disposed throwed by EnsureConnection() in consecutive queries (No navigation properties used and no using())

Generate full SQL script from EF 6 Code First Migrations and Multiple Configurations

How to avoid Lazy Loading when accessing foreign key ID property through navigation property?

EF code-first, cannot delete foreign key relation

Add-Migration creating empty migration in code migrations/code first

In EF4.1 code first, how to override ConnectionString name in Web.config

"... an error occured while updating the object context. The ObjectContext might be in an inconsistent state...."

EF CodeFirst handling database exceptions while saving changes

Best approach for dependency injection of data connections in singletons

Unable to Determine Principal End - Entity Framework Code First Relationship

C# EF6 index attribute not working

Mapping child items of same class with Entity Framework Code First

asp.net core create a constraint on two columns, one of which is another entity

Serialize one to many relationships in Json.net

Entity Framework: The provider did not return a providermanifest instance

Using mvc-mini-profiler database profiling with Entity Framework Code First

Entity Framework 4.1 code first approach: how to define length of properties