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New posts in eclipse-plugin

classes missing in Eclipse package, help

Eclipse Plug-In Dependencies Vanished

How do I tell an Eclipse plugin where a native library resides for an external plugin?

Eclipse : Getting Error as Could not find jar file while installing Plugin in Eclipse

Universal way to get the current project in eclipse plugin

java eclipse-plugin

Running External Apps on save in Eclipse

Eclipse RCP - How to open Launch Configuration dialog

When developing an Eclipse plugin, how to get access to the project's Java Model and AST root node?

java eclipse eclipse-plugin

Android GUI using Eclipse

PMD - Eclipse plugin - Not testing against any rules

Where can I get the update site for Spring tool suite

SwingUtilities invokeLater equivalent in SWT / Eclipse 3.x API?

I cannot create dynamic web application in eclipse

eclipse eclipse-plugin

Eclipse new Web Application Project, can't find my GAE SDK

How can I launch different workspaces with different sets of plugins?

eclipse eclipse-plugin

How do I manage a 3rd party jar dependency with Eclipse, Maven and Jenkins?

OpenCV using Eclipse with CDT

Code standard (not style) enforcer for Eclipse

How to customize vrapper block indentation?

eclipse vim eclipse-plugin

Can not install XQDT in eclipse

eclipse eclipse-plugin