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Can I reconstruct Perforce/Mercurial linkage after an aborted Perfarce clone?

What is the value-add of Repo (+git)?

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Is it possible to drop a single file from git stash?

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Is there a command to move a patch between patch queues?

Using git filter-branch to rewrite authors/committers and commit messages simultaneously

DVCS and data loss?

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Does Mercurial do a better job merging files when changesets are small?

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git-svn clone error: error: there are still refs under 'refs/remotes/tags'

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Which head to position on before doing a merge?

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How to track changes of my Linux distrib with git?

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Is using dvcs making harder to use continuous integration in corporate environments?

Using Mercurial with Perforce

Suppress closed branches in hg view

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How to make local clone without pulling subrepos again?

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How to setup distributed version control in a company

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How can I tell git (or some other dvcs) to track a file privately?

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Workflow for working with two versions of a project in Mercurial

Which distributed version control system has the best GUI front-ends for Windows?

How can I host a Mercurial repository for several users myself?

Using Git with VB6

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