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rails + rspec : Staying DRY when testing validations

How can I extract the code repetition here?

c# .net refactoring dry

How to set JQuery .show / .hide without repeating Div selectors

Handling "Undefined Index" in PHP with SYmfony

AngularJS: Is there a better way to achieve this than the one specified?

Sharing a fabfile across multiple projects

Symfony2 and be DRY approach in controllers

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Default function values in multi-layer architecture

AngularJS: How to debug the 'App Already Bootstrapped with this Element' error

DRYing repeated specs in RSpec

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How to DRY scope methods used in two different classes?

Avoid repeatable code with Observables(DRY)

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How to stay DRY when logic needs a C# and Javascript implementation?

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Is using DTO's and Entities breach of DRY principle?

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How do I create a dropdown of the valid values set by validates_inclusion_of?

DRY singleton classes in rails service

How can I simplify repetitive if-elif statements in my grading system function?

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