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New posts in drawrect

subclassed UITableViewCell - backgroundView covers up anything I do in drawRect

iphone uitableview drawrect

Making a Grid in an NSView

Crosshatch in IOS using CoreGraphics?

Drawing animation

UIView draw rect retain's the previous drawing and does not clear on view.transform

Using circular progress bar with masked image?

Why custom drawRect is not shown in 6.1 simulator?

ios ios-simulator drawrect

setNeedsDisplay not firing DrawRect

ios objective-c drawrect

UIView overriding drawRect causes view not to obey masksToBounds

ios uiview ios6 drawrect

drawRect over subviews?

ios objective-c uikit drawrect

Mysterious "progressive slowing" problem in run loop / drawRect

iphone cocoa ios drawrect

setNeedsDisplay does not trigger drawRect in subviews as expected

iOS Drawing Circles

NSScrollview and transparent, overlay NSScroller subclasses

Manually color fading from one UIColor to another

Why an empty implementation of drawRect: will adversely affect performance during animation

Passing parameters to drawRect

ios uiview drawrect

Black background in UIView?