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Check that a DocumentFile exists

DocumentFile RandomAccessFile

Android DocumentFile invalid URI

java android documentfile

DocumentFile.exists() on a path that doesn't yet exist always returns true due to DocumentFile().fromTreeUri()

java android uri documentfile

SAF DocumentFile - check if path exists without creating each DocumentFile at each folder level

Android - get DocumentFile with write access for any file path on sd card (having allready gained sd card permission)

Is it possible to get a regular File from DocumentFile?

Storage Access Framework Getting Correct Uri Path Delete/Edit/Get File

Correctly delete DocumentFile (respecting the MediaStore)

How to get random access to a file on SD-Card by means of API presented for Lollipop?

Bug when listing files with Android Storage Access framework on Lollipop

Android 5.0 DocumentFile from tree URI

How to use the new SD card access API presented for Android 5.0 (Lollipop)?