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Is it considered acceptable to have no comments in good Ruby code? [closed]

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Sandcastle not documenting Property summaries

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Unable to exclude directories from PHPDocumentor

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How to generate documentation by running a command with every svn commit

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Reputable source for Mark Pilgrim's "Dive into Greasemonkey" [closed]

Idiomatic way of documenting a Golang program, consisting of one main.go file

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Extracting doc comments from C# source file [closed]

Functional Programming Documentation [closed]

What is a popular JavaDoc practice for ASCII-art documentation? [closed]

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How do I display only the class name in doxygen class diagrams?

How to track a projects extraneous quirks

How to put a line into the documentation which is ignored for doc tests?

Is that an in or in/out parameter? Doxygen, C++

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Why does Squeak use Colors to identify Mouse Buttons? [closed]

What is the difference between // and /// in Visual Studio?

Awesome C# Code to learn design patterns and best practices from? [closed]

PHP 5.3 Documentor? [duplicate]

Generating API documentation from RESTEasy Annotations [duplicate]

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