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New posts in doctype

Explanation of the Doctype Syntax


Is the HTML Doctype URL downloaded by the client browser?

html doctype

how to know which <!DOCTYPE> type to use

html types document doctype

Which doctype should I use for GWT 2.0?

IE 8 & 9 ignoring div width - how to get this example to work?

IE page being forced into IE7 Document Mode

QDomDocument fails to set content of an HTML document with <!doctype> tag

How to determine doctype if none was set in the document?

javascript html doctype

Is it safe to change to the HTML5 DOCTYPE?

html validation doctype

regex to remove doctype

c# xml regex doctype

How to render a doctype with Python's xml.dom.minidom?

python xml doctype

How to add Doctype in XML document using DOM (JAVA)

java xml dom doctype

Which HTML DocType?

html doctype

The HTML5 doctype is not triggering standards mode in IE8

What DOCTYPE is recommended for my HTML output for IE7/IE8/FF3+? and how can I update my HTML validation in Visual Studio to reflect that change?

iframe 100% height causing vertical scrollbar

html iframe doctype

Multiple Doctypes in a single HTML Document

html browser doctype

What doctype to use when generating HTML mail

Is there an advantage to using the XHTML 1.1 doctype with the "text/html" MIME type instead of an HTML doctype?

html xhtml mime-types doctype

Does HTML5 DOCTYPE affect how CSS3 effects are rendered?

html css doctype