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I can't restart my dnsmasq service, so my fog server won't work

linux ubuntu sudo fog dnsmasq

dnsmasq fixed subdomain with wildcard domains/tld


Dnsmasq changing from working .dev to .local


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Can any caching DNS servers refresh their cache asynchronously?

DNSMasq forwarding on specific domains

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multiple local domains with dnsmasq?

macos unix dns localhost dnsmasq

Setting Up Docker Dnsmasq

networking docker dnsmasq

dnsmasq tags and conditional dns server

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Yosemite localhost resolver and dnsmasq fails offline

Curl: Showing "Can't resolve domain name" error of the all localhost sites from PHP

php curl dnsmasq

Docker container can only access internet with --net=host

docker dns dnsmasq

Run dnsmasq as DHCP server from inside a Docker container

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Dynamic proxy_pass in nginx to another pod in Kubernetes

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cURL + Laravel Valet + dnsmasq not working

dnsmasq, serve different ip addresses based on interface used

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DNS not working within docker containers when host uses dnsmasq and Google's DNS server are firewalled?

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Docker cannot resolve DNS on private network

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