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cURL + Laravel Valet + dnsmasq not working

when I execute a PHP script which runs a cURL request to a .test domain that is setup on my Mac with Laravel Valet/dnsmasq, I get this error printed :

Could not resolve: mydomain.test (Domain name not found)

When I test the domain in my browser, it's OK.
When I run curl -Ik https://mydomain.test in the Terminal, I get HTTP/2 200 code, so it's OK.
When I run curl -k https://mydomain.test in the Terminal I get the source code of the page, so it's OK.

Why is it not working with cURL from PHP ? I'm desperate...


Due to popular demand ;-) here is my cURL code. You cannot do more simple :

try {
    $ch = curl_init( "http://mydomain.test" );
    curl_exec( $ch );
    curl_close( $ch );
} catch (Exception $e) {
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Maxime Freschard Avatar asked Feb 14 '19 10:02

Maxime Freschard

1 Answers

This problem is caused by curl versions, can you check your curl versions from terminal by

curl --version and php --ri curl

When you run php --ri curl you will see cURL Information => 7.63.0 this line.

Then you can compare your versions and you see which curl version is not working with dnsmasq.

I encountered this problem and my curl version was 7.64.0 in php.

For solve that issue:

You can uninstall curl-openssl, this command will remove last version of curl-openssl:

brew uninstall curl-openssl --ignore-dependencies

Then restart php:

brew services restart php

After restarting, php will see curl which is /usr/bin/curl and this version can access local domain.

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Mücahit Cücen Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 06:09

Mücahit Cücen