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New posts in django-south

Consolidating Django South Migrations

Changing the encoding of a table with django+south migrations

python django django-south

Why is django-south not included in django.contrib? [duplicate]

Adding Simple Custom Field to Django -- How to Write South Introspection Rules

Upgrading from Django 1.6 to 1.9: python manage.py migrate failure

Django not finding apps in virtualenv when using manage.py syncdb

Django South - turning a null=True field into a null=False field

Renaming a django model class-name and corresponding foreign keys with south, without loosing the data

Django-South DataMigration - App available in forwards() but not backwards()?

Pesky "Table 'my_table' already exists" in Django-South

django django-south

Django model - changing options in a choices field and migrate

Can't perform data migrations using django 1.5 Custom user class

Django South data migration is running twice

django django-south

Programmatically check whether there are django south migrations that need to be deployed

Django: models aren't being recognized by syncDB or south after they have been refactored into separate files

Django south: Re-run first migration

Migrate data from one Model to another with Django South

How do I remove south from a django project

python django django-south

Django Model Choices

django django-south

How can i get my south migrations to work?