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New posts in django-registration

Django-registration resend activation Email with new code

How to remove the Username field from the UserCreationForm in Django

How to add placeholder to forms of Django-Registration

Extending django-registration using signals

{% url %} gives me NoReverseMatch error while reverse() returns the url just fine. Why?

Django- how to use built-in login view with email instead of username?

send activate-email with django-registration

How to use different form in Django-Registration

How do I set session variables at login using django-registration and auth?

Django email app broken lines - maximum line length (and how to change it)?

Getting `django-registration` to send you to the page you were originally trying to visit

django-registration auto create UserProfile

How do I test sending an email with Django registration on a local computer (Mac 10.7)?

How to get Django view to return form errors

Django CMS Page Title Doesn't Render

django-registration password reset custom template not loading

Subclassing django-registration 1.0 forms for django 1.5 custom user models

django-registration - how do i change example.com in the email?

How to redirect users to a specific url after registration in django registration?

django-registration app and Django 1.5 custom user model