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New posts in distribution

Random number in a skew normal distribution (equivalent to NORMINV())

Packaging proprietary software for Linux

iphone : revoke distribution certificate and push notifications

Erlang: automatic population of .hosts.erlang file?

erlang distribution

how to define your own distribution for fitdistr function in R with the help of lmomco function

r distribution

Deploy and distribute OpenCV applications with Xcode4 on Mac OSX

Problem with XCode Distribution Provisioning Profile

Is it possible to compile a JS app + the NodeJS interpreter into a single executable?

How to distribute a Ruby application with the required gems

ruby distribution gem

How to compile gettext translations in setup.py of a Django app

Find out if a group in AD is in Distribution group?

How to distribute Java Application

How to distribute native perl scripts without custom module overhead?

perl distribution bundle

R: How to get a sum of two distributions?

r sum distribution

Generate Random Number Based on Beta Distribution using Boost

Sampling from a Binomial(K, p) with unexpected result

r distribution

Small Linux distro for demo systems that still runs Java

java linux distribution

Beta Binomial Function in Python

How would you fit a gamma distribution to a data in R?

Python, SimPy: How to generate a value from a triangular probability distribution?